Below is the syntax highlighted version of from §4.5 Case Study: Small World.

 *  Compilation:  javac
 *  Execution:    java AllPaths
 *  Depedencies:
 *  Find all paths from s to t.
 *  % java AllPaths
 *  A: B C
 *  B: A F
 *  C: A D F
 *  D: C E F G
 *  E: D G
 *  F: B C D
 *  G: D E
 *  [A, B, F, C, D, E, G]
 *  [A, B, F, C, D, G]
 *  [A, B, F, D, E, G]
 *  [A, B, F, D, G]
 *  [A, C, D, E, G]
 *  [A, C, D, G]
 *  [A, C, F, D, E, G]
 *  [A, C, F, D, G]
 *  [B, A, C, D, F]
 *  [B, A, C, F]
 *  [B, F]
 *  Remarks
 *  --------
 *   -  Currently prints in reverse order due to stack toString()

public class AllPaths<Vertex> {

    private Stack<String> path  = new Stack<String>();   // the current path
    private SET<String> onPath  = new SET<String>();     // the set of vertices on the path

    public AllPaths(Graph G, String s, String t) {
        enumerate(G, s, t);

    // use DFS
    private void enumerate(Graph G, String v, String t) {

        // add node v to current path from s

        // found path from s to t - currently prints in reverse order because of stack
        if (v.equals(t))

        // consider all neighbors that would continue path with repeating a node
        else {
            for (String w : G.adjacentTo(v)) {
                if (!onPath.contains(w)) enumerate(G, w, t);

        // done exploring from v, so remove from path

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Graph G = new Graph();
        G.addEdge("A", "B");
        G.addEdge("A", "C");
        G.addEdge("C", "D");
        G.addEdge("D", "E");
        G.addEdge("C", "F");
        G.addEdge("B", "F");
        G.addEdge("F", "D");
        G.addEdge("D", "G");
        G.addEdge("E", "G");
        new AllPaths(G, "A", "G");
        new AllPaths(G, "B", "F");


Copyright © 2000–2022, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Last updated: Thu Aug 11 10:30:55 EDT 2022.