Below is the syntax highlighted version of from §1.5 Input and Output.

 *  Compilation:  javac
 *  Execution:    java TwentyQuestions
 *  Dependencies
 *  % java TwentyQuestions
 *  I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000,000
 *  What's your guess? 500000
 *  Too high
 *  What's your guess? 250000
 *  Too low
 *  What's your guess? 375000
 *  Too high
 *  What's your guess? 312500
 *  Too high
 *  What's your guess? 300500
 *  Too low
 *  ...

public class TwentyQuestions {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Generate a number and answer questions
        // while the user tries to guess the value.
        int secret = 1 + (int) (Math.random() * 1000000);

        StdOut.print("I'm thinking of a number ");
        StdOut.println("between 1 and 1,000,000");
        int guess = 0;
        while (guess != secret) {

            // Solicit one guess and provide one answer
            StdOut.print("What's your guess? ");
            guess = StdIn.readInt();
            if      (guess < secret) StdOut.println("Too low");
            else if (guess > secret) StdOut.println("Too high");
            else                     StdOut.println("You win!");

Copyright © 2000–2022, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Last updated: Thu Aug 11 10:14:17 EDT 2022.