Below is the syntax highlighted version of
from §3.2 Creating Data Types.
/****************************************************************************** * Compilation: javac * Execution: java CircuitRLC < input.txt * * RLC circuit data type. * ******************************************************************************/ /* Rohan Kapadia Alternating current (AC), unlike direct current (DC), supplies a voltage which varies with time. The voltage depends on a sine function. In circuits with resistors only, the current is directly proportional to the voltage. However, with capacitors and inductors, there is a "phase shift" between the current and voltage. With a capacitor, there is a 90 degree phase shift. This means that when the voltage wave is at its maximum, the current is 0, and when the current is at its maximum the voltage is 0. The phase shift of inductors is in the other direction. Complex numbers are used to add up the total impedance of a circuit (impedance is a general form of resistance including capacitors and inductors). With complex numbers, we can add up the impedances of each element as if it were a simple resistor circuit and don't need to calculate the phases of each element. To do this, the impedance of a capacitor is equal to 1/iwC and the impedance of an inductor is iwL. These values depend on the frequency of the power supply, w. input = # of resistors, capacitors, inductors then their resistances, capacitances, inductances common possible values resistance = 4; inductance = 0.01; capacitance = 0.000005; */ public class CircuitRLC { public static void main(String[] args) { int resistorCount = StdIn.readInt(); // number of resistors int inductorCount = StdIn.readInt(); // number of inductors int capacitorCount = StdIn.readInt(); // number of capacitors double[] resistors = new double[resistorCount]; // resistors double[] inductors = new double[inductorCount]; // inductors double[] capacitors = new double[capacitorCount]; // capacitors // read in values from stdin for (int i = 0; i < resistorCount; i++) resistors[i] = StdIn.readDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < inductorCount; i++) inductors[i] = StdIn.readDouble(); for (int i = 0; i < capacitorCount; i++) capacitors[i] = StdIn.readDouble(); double frequency = 50; // angular frequency of voltage (w) Complex impedance = new Complex(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < resistorCount; i++) { Complex resistance = new Complex(resistors[i], 0); impedance =; } // complex impedance of an inductor is iwL for (int i = 0; i < inductorCount; i++) { Complex reactance = new Complex(0, frequency * inductors[i]); impedance =; } // complex impedance of a capacitor is 1/(iwC) for (int i = 0; i < capacitorCount; i++) { Complex reactance = new Complex(0, -1.0/(frequency * capacitors[i])); impedance =; } double realImpedance = impedance.abs(); StdOut.println("real impedance = " + realImpedance); // relative phase = angle at which voltage leads current double phase = impedance.phase(); StdOut.println("phase = " + phase); } }