#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # intops.py #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import stdio import sys # Accept int command-line arguments a and b. Use them to illustrate # integer operators. Write the results to standard output. a = int(sys.argv[1]) b = int(sys.argv[2]) total = a + b diff = a - b prod = a * b quot = a // b # In Python 2.x, / does classic division and // does floor division # In Python 3.x, / does true division and // does floor division # It's wise to use // to divide integers, and / to divide floats. rem = a % b exp = a ** b stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' + ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(total)) stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' - ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(diff)) stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' * ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(prod)) stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' // ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(quot)) stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' % ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(rem)) stdio.writeln(str(a) + ' ** ' + str(b) + ' = ' + str(exp)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # python intops.py 1234 5 # 1234 + 5 = 1239 # 1234 - 5 = 1229 # 1234 * 5 = 6170 # 1234 // 5 = 246 # 1234 % 5 = 4 # 1234 ** 5 = 2861381721051424