#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # divisorpattern.py #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import stdio import sys # Accept integer command-line argument n. Write to standard output # an n-by-n table with an asterisk in row i and column j if either # i divides j or j divides i. n = int(sys.argv[1]) for i in range(1, n+1): # Write the ith line. for j in range(1, n+1): # Write the jth entry in the ith line. if (i % j == 0) or (j % i == 0): stdio.write('* ') else: stdio.write(' ') stdio.writeln(i) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # python divisorpattern.py 0 # python divisorpattern.py 1 # * 1 # python divisorpattern.py 2 # * * 1 # * * 2 # python divisorpattern.py 3 # * * * 1 # * * 2 # * * 3 # python divisorpattern.py 4 # * * * * 1 # * * * 2 # * * 3 # * * * 4 # python divisorpattern.py 5 # * * * * * 1 # * * * 2 # * * 3 # * * * 4 # * * 5