#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # visualize.py #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import stddraw import percolation import percolationio #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Accept integer n, float p, and integer t as command-line arguments. # Generate a n-by-n random system with site vacancy probability p. # Compute the directed percolation flow, and draw result to standard # draw. Repeat t times. def main(): n = int(sys.argv[1]) p = float(sys.argv[2]) trials = int(sys.argv[3]) for i in range(trials): isOpen = percolationio.random(n, p) stddraw.clear() stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLACK) percolationio.draw(isOpen, False) stddraw.setPenColor(stddraw.BLUE) full = percolation.flow(isOpen) percolationio.draw(full, True) stddraw.show(1000.0) stddraw.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main() #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # python visualize.py 20 .65 3 # python visualize.py 20 .60 1 # python visualize.py 20 .55 1