Below is the syntax highlighted version of
from §3.1 Using Data Types.
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import stdio from charge import Charge # Accept a float w as a command-line argument. Create four Charge # objects that are each distance w in each of the four cardinal # directions from (.5, .5), and write the potential at (.25, .5). w = float(sys.argv[1]) # Center of standard drawing window. cx = 0.5 cy = 0.5 # Construct four charges. c1 = Charge(cx + w, cy, 1.0); # east c2 = Charge(cx, cy - w, 1.0); # south c3 = Charge(cx - w, cy, 1.0); # west c4 = Charge(cx, cy + w, 1.0); # north # Compute potentials at (.25, .5). px = 0.25 py = 0.5 v1 = c1.potentialAt(px, py) v2 = c2.potentialAt(px, py) v3 = c3.potentialAt(px, py) v4 = c4.potentialAt(px, py) # Compute and output total potential. total = v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 stdio.writeln('total potential = ' + str(total)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # python 100 # total potential = 359600561.88465726 # python 500 # total potential = 71920004.4950031