Below is the syntax highlighted version of from § Code.


The stdarray module defines functions related to creating, reading,
and writing one- and two-dimensional arrays.

import stdio

# Array creation functions

def create1D(length, value=None):
    Create and return a 1D array containing length elements, each
    initialized to value.
    return [value] * length


def create2D(rowCount, colCount, value=None):
    Create and return a 2D array having rowCount rows and colCount
    columns, with each element initialized to value.
    a = [None] * rowCount
    for row in range(rowCount):
        a[row] = [value] * colCount
    return a

# Array writing functions

def write1D(a):
    Write array a to sys.stdout.  First write its length. bool objects
    are written as 0 and 1, not False and True.
    length = len(a)
    for i in range(length):
        # stdio.writef('%9.5f ', a[i])
        element = a[i]
        if isinstance(element, bool):
            if element == True:
        stdio.write(' ')


def write2D(a):
    Write two-dimensional array a to sys.stdout.  First write its
    dimensions. bool objects are written as 0 and 1, not False and True.
    rowCount = len(a)
    colCount = len(a[0])
    stdio.writeln(str(rowCount) + ' ' + str(colCount))
    for row in range(rowCount):
        for col in range(colCount):
            #stdio.writef('%9.5f ', a[row][col])
            element = a[row][col]
            if isinstance(element, bool):
                if element == True:
            stdio.write(' ')

# Array reading functions

def readInt1D():
    Read from sys.stdin and return an array of integers. An integer at
    the beginning of sys.stdin defines the array's length.
    count = stdio.readInt()
    a = create1D(count, None)
    for i in range(count):
        a[i] = stdio.readInt()
    return a


def readInt2D():
    Read from sys.stdin and return a two-dimensional array of integers.
    Two integers at the beginning of sys.stdin define the array's
    rowCount = stdio.readInt()
    colCount = stdio.readInt()
    a = create2D(rowCount, colCount, 0)
    for row in range(rowCount):
        for col in range(colCount):
            a[row][col] = stdio.readInt()
    return a


def readFloat1D():
    Read from sys.stdin and return an array of floats. An integer at the
    beginning of sys.stdin defines the array's length.
    count = stdio.readInt()
    a = create1D(count, None)
    for i in range(count):
        a[i] = stdio.readFloat()
    return a


def readFloat2D():
    Read from sys.stdin and return a two-dimensional array of floats.
    Two integers at the beginning of sys.stdin define the array's
    rowCount = stdio.readInt()
    colCount = stdio.readInt()
    a = create2D(rowCount, colCount, 0.0)
    for row in range(rowCount):
        for col in range(colCount):
            a[row][col] = stdio.readFloat()
    return a


def readBool1D():
    Read from sys.stdin and return an array of booleans. An integer at
    the beginning of sys.stdin defines the array's length.
    count = stdio.readInt()
    a = create1D(count, None)
    for i in range(count):
        a[i] = stdio.readBool()
    return a


def readBool2D():
    Read from sys.stdin and return a two-dimensional array of booleans.
    Two integers at the beginning of sys.stdin define the array's
    rowCount = stdio.readInt()
    colCount = stdio.readInt()
    a = create2D(rowCount, colCount, False)
    for row in range(rowCount):
        for col in range(colCount):
            a[row][col] = stdio.readBool()
    return a


def _main():
    For testing.

if __name__ == '__main__':

Copyright © 2000–2015, Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, and Robert Dondero.
Last updated: Fri Oct 20 20:45:16 EDT 2017.