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""" The stdstats module defines functions related to statistical analysis and graphical data display. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- import math import stddraw #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #def min(a): # """ # Return the minimum value in array a. Could call the built-in # min() function instead. # """ # minumum = float('inf') # for x in a: # if x < minumum: # minumum = x # return minumum #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #def max(a): # """ # Return the maximum value in array a. Could call the built-in # max() function instead. # """ # maximum = float('-inf') # for x in a: # if x > maximum: # maximum = x # return maximum #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def mean(a): """ Return the average of the elements of array a. """ return sum(a) / float(len(a)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def var(a): """ Return the sample variance of the elements of array a. """ mu = mean(a) total = 0.0 for x in a: total += (x - mu) * (x - mu) return total / (float(len(a)) - 1.0) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def stddev(a): """ Return the standard deviation of the elements of array a. """ return math.sqrt(var(a)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def median(a): """ Return the median of the elements of array a. """ b = list(a) # Make a copy of a. b.sort() length = len(b) if length % 2 == 1: return b[length//2] else: return float(b[length//2 - 1] + b[length//2]) / 2.0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def plotPoints(a): """ Plot the elements of array a as points. """ n = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) stddraw.setPenRadius(1.0 / (3.0 * n)) for i in range(n): stddraw.point(i, a[i]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def plotLines(a): """ Plot the elements of array a as line end-points. """ n = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) stddraw.setPenRadius(0.0) for i in range(1, n): stddraw.line(i-1, a[i-1], i, a[i]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def plotBars(a): """ Plot the elements of array a as bars. """ n = len(a) stddraw.setXscale(-1, n) for i in range(n): stddraw.filledRectangle(i-0.25, 0.0, 0.5, a[i]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _main(): """ For testing: """ import stdarray import stdio a = stdarray.readFloat1D() #stdio.writef(' min %7.3f\n', min(a)) #stdio.writef(' max %7.3f\n', max(a)) stdio.writef(' mean %7.3f\n', mean(a)) stdio.writef(' std dev %7.3f\n', stddev(a)) stdio.writef(' median %7.3f\n', median(a)) if __name__ == '__main__': _main()