Intro to Programming
1. Elements of Programming
1.1 Your First Program
1.2 Built-in Types of Data
1.3 Conditionals and Loops
1.4 Arrays
1.5 Input and Output
1.6 Case Study: PageRank
2. Functions
2.1 Defining Functions
2.2 Modules and Clients
2.3 Recursion
2.4 Case Study: Percolation
3. OOP
3.1 Using Data Types
3.2 Creating Data Types
3.3 Designing Data Types
3.4 Case Study: N-Body
4. Data Structures
4.1 Performance
4.2 Sorting and Searching
4.3 Stacks and Queues
4.4 Symbol Tables
4.5 Case Study: Small World
Related Booksites
Web Resources
A. Python Operator Precedence
B. Writing Clear Code
C. Gaussian Distribution
D. Python Cheatsheet
E. NumPy
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